Cooking with Cafe Pasqual's by Katharine Kagel
This is our second cookbook, with some seventy easy-to-prepare recipes, fully color-illustrated with photos by our ace photographer, Kitty Leaken. You will learn about more classics from our extensive repetoire; such as lamb chops grilled with pomegranate molasses, cornmeal waffles with chorizo gravy, or try our recipe for Thai style salmon filet cooked in a banana leaf with sticky rice. there are breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert recipes that all use luscious ingredients that are healthy, organic and easy to find, cook, and present. these pages will bring you into the intimate world of our small corner cafe where you will meet the team that has helped make cafe pasqual's a go-to for more than forty-years. By chef/owner Katharine Kagel and photography by Kitty Leaken.
hardcover 224 pages
ten speed press, 2006